mardi, septembre 12, 2006

reVEXT, eh?

This an entirely new blog, and first of all let me welcome you here. I am glad you are choosing to waste some of the little time you have on Earth reading my ramblings. Secondly, I have provided this quick little FAQ for you:

Who am I? My name is Marc Vose, and I've been working in the Internet industry since 1995. I've always been an avid watcher and "opinionator" when it comes to things like technology and communications. I'm a programmer, designer and product manager, so my knowledge is broad, but I'm learning every day and I really love technology.

Why? Well, why not? Seriously, I think I nearly bore my friends to death with my incessant ramblings about technology and how it will impact our lives, and frankly, they need a rest. So, I've decided instead to bore you to death, because at least you can click away to another Web site before you go insane. You can also subscribe to my RSS feed, and thus be notified of every time I put my foot in my mouth share some insightfully witty commentary.

So, reVEXT? I am prone to bouts we say, annoyance, at technology reporting in general. I also think that, communications being central to how our society functions, we need to discuss technology wherever possible, because computerish networks are rapidly becoming our #1 communications medium, and this is changing the world in more ways than we can really measure. Vexed simply means 'annoyed', and I will often comment here when I see something, somewhere, that strikes a chord for me. reVEXT, therefore, just represents my incessant state of being vexed. For now, I'm using a default Blogger template, which I find damn near revolting, but I wanted to get some ideas up fast, and will redesign it later.

That about sums up my FAQ, and my introduction. I do really hope you like what I have to say, or at the very least find it interesting enough to comment on.

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